5 Signs your Roof Needs Repair: Don’t Ignore the Red Flags

5 Signs your Roof Needs Repair: Don’t Ignore the Red Flags

5 Signs Your Roof Needs Repair

There are a number of warning signs you may encounter that tell you your roof needs repair. Some may not be as common or obvious as others, which is why it’s important to know what to look for. The following signs of roof damage may seem minimal at first, but they can lead to more damage and expenses if left unattended over time.

 1. Leaks and Water Stains

One sign of roof damage is leaks inside your home that stem from your roof. In most cases, leaks form in the roof and water collects in puddles on the attic floor after bouts of heavy rainfall before leaking into your ceilings and walls. Over time, you’ll be left with unsightly brown stains on your ceiling.

Another tell-tale sign of water leaks is when the paint or wallpaper on your walls or ceiling starts peeling, caused by moisture after the water evaporates and insufficient air and light to dry properly. Besides your interior walls, the exterior walls of your home may also show signs of leaks from your roof, so keep a close eye on all your walls after a hefty downpour.

2. Damaged or Missing Shingles

Shingles are tile-like fixtures on your roof and come in various materials, though asphalt is the most common. Shingles help protect your roof by shielding it from the sun and other extreme weather elements. When shingles are damaged or missing, you’re prone to experience water leaks because the roof is left exposed.

It might not be easy to see whether the shingles are damaged or missing unless you physically inspect them by climbing a ladder. This is potentially dangerous, so we suggest getting an experienced roofing contractor to do an inspection. They are skilled in walking on roofs without causing damage and will have a full view of the extent of damage and missing shingles, if any.

Based on this, you can discuss the way forward to see how you can have your roof repaired by replacing the damaged or missing shingles.

3. Sagging Areas

Sagging roofs are unappealing and potentially hazardous, but they generally take a long time before they deteriorate to such an extent. The main concern with a sagging roof is the risk of it collapsing entirely, which may have dire consequences. If you’re vigilant, you may notice signs of sagging that could prevent it before it worsens. A few indicators include:

  • Poor design: A home’s initial design and construction is very important to ensure it lasts a lifetime. If inadequate materials have been used, it can lead to structural flaws that won’t support the weight of the roof. Some areas or the entire roof will eventually start sagging as a result.
  • Time: Homes that were built multiple decades ago may be more susceptible to sagging over time due to extensive wear and tear. This is exacerbated by improper materials used during construction.
  • Water damage: Consistently heavy rainfall and poor drainage and ventilation systems can cause sagging. The weight of accumulated puddles tends to gather in the center, adding pressure on the beams and overall roof structure. Moisture caused by leaks and water damage may lead to joints, struts, beams and other parts decaying internally.
  • Natural damage: Strong winds, hurricanes and thunderstorms may cause immense damage, eventually resulting in sagging if not repaired. Improper repairs may add to the problem, so it’s best to have a professional roofing company check your roof for damage after an extreme weather event.

4. Excessive Granule Loss From Shingles

Shingles are covered by tiny granules that serve a significant purpose. A few reasons granules are important for covering shingles include:

  • UV protection: The granules protect the underlying shingles from the sun’s extreme heat. If they are lost, the shingles are uncovered and will deteriorate faster due to direct exposure.
  • Water protection: Shingle granules serve as a waterproof barrier when it rains. Without the granules, leaks are more likely to occur.
  • Weather conditions: Adverse weather like storms and hail can lead the granules to erode. Exposed shingles are vulnerable to further damage under extreme weather conditions.

Poor-quality shingles may lose granules sooner than better-quality ones. If they are installed incorrectly, they may also lose granules, so it’s important to have it done professionally to avoid this. Age is another factor — the older your shingles are, the more likely they will lose granules.

5. Mold Growth and Algae

Mold Growth and Algae

A clear warning sign that your roof may need your attention is mold and algae formation in the corners of your ceiling. These growths are unsightly and may pose health risks if left for too long.

The main issue with mold is eliminating moisture. Insufficient ventilation accelerates the growth of mold and algae. When the damage becomes extensive, you may notice musty odors in your home that are often associated with mold.

As soon as you notice mold, get a plumber or roofing contractor to check for leaks from a faulty pipe or a leaking roof.

The Importance of Regular Roof Inspections

Regular roof inspections are essential to ensure you don’t have to spend much on maintaining it through repairs. A few reasons it’s so important include:

  • Identifying issues early to avoid further damage
  • Preventing damage caused by weather extremes like heavy rainfall and hailstorms
  • Complying with insurance in case you need to file a claim
  • Extending your roof’s life span for years to come
  • Ensuring your family’s safety by keeping an eye on minor damages
  • Saving costs on extensive repairs due for preventable issues
  • Reducing the need for a complete roof replacement

4 Tips for Proactive Roof Maintenance

There are some things you can do to maintain your roof. You might have to enlist the help of an expert at least once a year but it will save you money in the long run. A few tips for proactively maintaining your roof include:

  1. Frequent inspections: Inspecting your roof every month is probably unnecessary, but getting once- or twice-yearly inspections from a roofing contractor can give you peace of mind.
  2. Replace damaged or missing shingles: If you notice one or two missing shingles on your roof, you might be tempted to put off the repair. However, it’s important to contact a professional so they can check that there is no other damage and replace the missing pieces.
  3. Clean the gutters: Prevent water from backing up by cleaning the gutters and downspouts. Clogged gutters will lead to bigger problems later on if left unattended.
  4. Remove overhanging branches: If your roof is in close proximity to tall trees, trim or remove branches that may fall on it and cause damage.

Total Roofing and Construction Can Repair or Replace Your Damaged Roof

Rapair or Replace Your Damaged Roofs

With Total Roofing and Construction you can be sure the job will be done right. We have an extensive team of experts who are ready to assist you with a smile.

Your needs are what matters most to us. Whether you require roof repairs or a full roof replacement, we’ve got you covered. Call us or request a quote and we’ll come to your home to inspect your roof.

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